Android using SQLite Select,Insert,Update,Delete
Last time I told you all
about SQLite and use the basic information, I believe that friends of SQLite
have some understanding, and that it today, I'll share with you how to use
SQLite in Android.
Now the mainstream mobile
devices like the Android, iPhone and so the use SQLite as the storage engine of
complex data, in our time developing applications for the mobile device,
perhaps we should use to our SQLite to store large amounts of data, so we need
to have a mobile device SQLite development skills on. For the Android platform,
the system built a rich API for developers to operate SQLite, we can easily
complete access to the data.
Here to tell you about SQLite
common method of operation, for convenience, I will write the code in the
Activity's onCreate in:
void onCreate (Bundle
savedInstanceState) {
Super .onCreate
// Open or create test.db
SQLiteDatabase db =
openOrCreateDatabase ( "test.db" , Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null );
EXISTS person" );
// Create the person table
Person person = new
Person (); = "John" ;
person.age = 30 ;
// Insert data
db.execSQL ( "?? INSERT INTO
person VALUES (NULL,,)" ,
new Object [] {, person.age}); = "David" ;
person.age = 33 ;
// ContentValues store data in the
form of key-value pairs
ContentValues cv = new
ContentValues ();
cv.put ( "name" ,;
cv.put ( "age" ,
// Insert the data ContentValues
db.insert ( "person" , null , cv);
cv =
new ContentValues ();
cv.put ( "age" , 35 );
// Update the data
db.update ( "person" ,
cv, "name =?" , new
String [] { "John" });
Cursor c = db.rawQuery ( "SELECT
* FROM person WHERE age> =?" ,
new String [] { "33"
(c.moveToNext ()) {
int _id = c.getInt (c.getColumnIndex (
"_id" ));
String name = c.getString
(c.getColumnIndex ( "name" ));
int age = c.getInt (c.getColumnIndex (
"age" ));
Log.i ( "db" , "_id =>" + _id +
", name =>" + name
+ ", age =>" + age);
c.close ();
// Delete data
db.delete ( "person" , "? age <" , new
String [] { "35" });
// Close the current database
db.close ();
// Delete test.db database
DeleteDatabase ("test.db");
After executing the above
code, the system will generate a "test.db" database file in / data /
data / [PACKAGE_NAME] / databases directory, as shown:
The above code basically
cover most of the database operation; for add, update, and delete it, we can
(String sql);
(String SQL, Object [] bindArgs); // SQL statement using placeholders, then
the second parameter is the actual parameter set
In addition to the unified form,
they each have their own methods of operation:
(String table, String nullColumnHack, ContentValues values);
(String table, Contentvalues values, String whereClause, String
(String table, String whereClause, String whereArgs);
The first parameter of the
above three methods are said to be operating table; insert the second parameter
indicates that if the insertion of the data in each column is empty, you need
to specify the name of a column in a row, this system column is set to NULL,
not errors; insert the third parameter is the variable ContentValues type, is
key to the composition of the Map, key representatives of the column name,
value representing the columns values to be inserted; update of the second
parameters are very similar, but it is key to update the field value value for
the latest third parameter whereClause expressed WHERE expression, such as
"age>? and age <?" and so on, the last parameter is a
placeholder whereArgs The actual parameter values; Arguments delete method is
the same.
Here's what queries. Query
with respect to several operating above is more complicated, because we are
faced with a variety of query conditions, so the system also takes into account
this complexity, provides us with a more extensive inquiry form:
(String sql, String [] selectionArgs);
(String table, String [] columns, String selection, String [] selectionArgs,
String groupBy, String having, String orderBy);
(String table, String [] columns, String selection, String [] selectionArgs,
String groupBy, String having, String orderBy, String limit);
(String distinct, String table, String [] columns, String selection, String
[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String orderBy, String
The above are some common
query method, the first one of the most simple, all the SQL statements are
organized into a string, using placeholders instead of the actual parameters,
selectionArgs is a placeholder for the actual parameter set; following several
parameters are very similar, columns indicate the name of the column all set to
query, selection represents the conditional statement after WHERE, you can use
placeholders, groupBy designated grouping column names, having specified
grouping criteria, with groupBy use, orderBy specify the sort column name,
limit specified paging parameters, distinct can specify "true" or
"false" indicates whether or not to filter duplicates. Note that,
selection, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit these parameters are not included in
BY", "LIMIT" and other SQL keywords.
Finally, they also return a
Cursor object that represents the data set cursor, somewhat similar to JavaSE
the ResultSet.
Here is a common method
Cursor object:
c.move (
int offset); // current position as a reference, move to
the specified line
(); // move to the first row
(); // move to the last row
( int position); // move to the specified line
(); // move to the previous line
(); // move to the next line
(); // points to the first
(); // points to last
(); // points to the first
c.isAfterLast () // if point after
the last one
c.isNull (
int columnIndex); // the specified column is empty (column
cardinality 0)
(); // cursor is turned off
(); // total number of data
(); // Returns the number of rows
in the cursor is pointing to the current
(String columnName); // Returns the name of a column corresponding to the
column index value
c.getString (
int columnIndex); // Returns the value of the specified
column of the current row
In the above code example,
has used this method for several commonly used some more information about, you
can refer to the official documentation for instructions.
Finally, after we completed
the operation of the database, remember to call SQLiteDatabase the close ()
method releases the database connection, or prone SQLiteException.
SQLite is above the basic
applications, but in the actual development, in order to better manage and
maintain the database, we will package a database operation class inherits from
SQLiteOpenHelper class, then the class-based, repackaging our business logic
Here, we have an example to
explain the specific usage, we create a new project named db, structured as
Which DBHelper inherited
SQLiteOpenHelper, as a base class to maintain and manage the database,
DBManager is based on DBHelper, encapsulates the common business method, Person
is our person table corresponding JavaBean, MainActivity that we display
Let us first look at
public synchronized SQLiteDatabase getReadableDatabase ()
(mDatabase! = null && mDatabase.isOpen ()) {
// If mDatabase not empty and has
opened the direct return
return mDatabase;
(mIsInitializing) {
// If you are initializing an
exception is thrown
new IllegalStateException (
"getReadableDatabase Called recursively" );
// Start instantiation database
// Note that this is called
getWritableDatabase () method
return getWritableDatabase ();
catch (SQLiteException e)
(mName == null )
throw e;
// Can not Open a temp database Read-only!
Log.e (TAG, "Could not Open" + mName +
"for Writing (Will try Read-only):" , e);
// If you can not open the database in
read-write mode places open read-only
SQLiteDatabase db = null ;
mIsInitializing = true ;
String path =
mContext.getDatabasePath (mName) .getPath (); // Get the database path
// Open the database in read-only
db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase
(path, mFactory, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY);
(db.getVersion ()! = mNewVersion) {
throw new
SQLiteException ( "Can not upgrade from Version Read-only
database" + db.getVersion ()
+ "to"
+ MNewVersion + ":" + path);
onOpen (db);
Log.w (TAG, "Opened" + mName +
"in Read-only mode" );
mDatabase = db; // specify the new
open database mDatabase
return mDatabase; // Returns the open
finally {
mIsInitializing = false ;
(db! = null && db! = mDatabase)
db.close ();
In getReadableDatabase ()
method, first determine whether the database instance already exists and is
open, if it is, then the direct return that instance, or else trying to get a
read-write mode database instance, if they get the disk space is full, etc. if
it fails, then the database is opened in read-only mode, access to the database
instance and return, and then assigned to mDatabase latest open database
instance. Since there may be calls to getWritableDatabase () method, we will
look at the:
public synchronized SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase ()
(mDatabase! = null && mDatabase.isOpen () &&! mDatabase.isReadOnly
()) {
// If mDatabase not empty and is not
a read-only mode is turned on returns that instance
return mDatabase;
(mIsInitializing) {
new IllegalStateException (
"getWritableDatabase Called recursively" );
// If we have a read-only database open,
someone could be using it
// (Though they should not), which would
cause a lock to be held on
// The file, and our attempts to open the
database read-write would
// Fail waiting for the file lock. To
prevent that, we acquire the
// Lock on the read-only database, which
shuts out other users.
success = false ;
SQLiteDatabase db = null ;
// If mDatabase not empty then locked to
prevent other operations
(mDatabase! = null )
mDatabase.lock ();
mIsInitializing = true ;
(mName == null ) {
db = SQLiteDatabase.create ( null );
else {
// Open or create a database
db =
mContext.openOrCreateDatabase (mName,
0 , mFactory);
// Get the database version
(database, if you just created, version 0)
Version = db.getVersion ();
// Compare versions (our code version
mNewVersion 1)
(Version! = mNewVersion) {
db.beginTransaction (); // start
try {
(Version == 0 ) {
// Execute our onCreate
onCreate (db);
} else
// If we apply the
upgrade mNewVersion 2, and the original version of a method of execution
onUpgrade (db, version,
db.setVersion (mNewVersion);
// set up the latest version
(); // Set the transaction success
finally {
db.endTransaction (); // end
the transaction
onOpen (db);
success = true ;
return ; db // Returns the read-write mode
database instance
finally {
mIsInitializing = false ;
(success) {
// Open success
if (mDatabase! = null ) {
// If it has a value
mDatabase to close
mDatabase.close ();
} catch
(Exception e) {
mDatabase.unlock (); //
mDatabase = db; // assignment to
else {
// Open the case of failure:
unlocked, closed
if (mDatabase! = null )
mDatabase.unlock ();
if (db! =
null )
db.close ();
As you can see, a few key
steps, first determine mDatabase if not empty open read-only mode is not
directly returned, otherwise if mDatabase not empty the lock, and then begin to
open or create a database, compare versions, according to The version number to
call the appropriate method to set a new version number for the database, and
finally release the old is not empty of mDatabase and unlock, open the new
database instance confers mDatabase, and returns the latest instance.
After reading the above
process, you perhaps know a lot, if not in the face of disk space, etc.,
getReadableDatabase () will generally return and getWritableDatabase () the
same database instance, so we use getWritableDatabase in DBManager constructor
() Gets the database instance is used throughout the application is feasible.
Of course, if you're really worried about that happening, then you can start ()
Gets the data instance with the getWritableDatabase, if an exception is
encountered, then trying () Gets the instance with the getReadableDatabase, of
course, this time instance you can read but not write access to a.
Finally, let's look at how to
use these data manipulation methods to display data, the following is layout files and code:
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
LinearLayout xmlns: Android =
Android: Orientation =
Android: layout_width =
Android: layout_height =
"fill_parent" >
< Button
Android: layout_width =
Android: layout_height =
Android: text = "add"
Android: onClick = "add"
< Button
Android: layout_width =
Android: layout_height =
Android: text =
Android: onClick = "Update"
< Button
Android: layout_width =
Android: layout_height =
Android: text =
Android: onClick = "delete"
< Button
Android: layout_width =
Android: layout_height =
Android: text =
Android: onClick = "Query"
< Button
Android: layout_width = "fill_parent"
Android: layout_height =
Android: text =
Android: onClick =
"queryTheCursor" />
< ListView
Android: ID = "@ + ID /
Android: layout_width =
Android: layout_height =
"wrap_content" />
LinearLayout >
Package com.scott.db;
Import java.util.ArrayList;
Import java.util.HashMap;
Import java.util.List;
Import java.util.Map;
Import android.database.Cursor;
Import android.database.CursorWrapper;
Import android.os.Bundle;
Import android.view.View;
Import android.widget.ListView;
Import android.widget.SimpleAdapter;
Import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter;
public class
MainActivity extends Activity {
DBManager MGR;
ListView listView;
void onCreate (Bundle
savedInstanceState) {
Super .onCreate
setContentView (R.layout.main);
listView = (ListView) findViewById
// Initialize DBManager
new DBManager ( this );
void onDestroy () {
Super .onDestroy ();
Activity close the last application
should release DB //
mgr.closeDB ();
void add (View View) {
ArrayList <Person> persons
= new
ArrayList <Person> ();
Person1 person = new
Person ( "Ella" , 22
, "Lively Girl" );
Person2 person = new
Person ( "Jenny" , 22
, "beautiful Girl" );
Person3 person = new
Person ( "Jessica" ,
23 , "Sexy Girl"
Person4 person = new
Person ( "Kelly" , 23
, "Hot Baby" );
Person5 person = new
Person ( "Jane" , 25
, "a Pretty woman" );
persons.add (person1);
persons.add (person2);
persons.add (person3);
persons.add (person4);
persons.add (person5);
mgr.add (persons);
void Update (View View) {
Person person = new
Person (); = "Jane" ;
person.age = 30 ;
mgr.updateAge (person);
void delete (View View) {
Person person = new
Person ();
person.age = 30 ;
mgr.deleteOldPerson (person);
void Query (View View) {
List <Person> persons =
mgr.query ();
ArrayList <Map <String, String
>> List = new ArrayList <Map <String, String
>> ();
(Person person: persons) {
HashMap <String, String>
map = new HashMap <String, String> ();
map.put ( "name" ,;
map.put ( "info" ,
person.age + "years
old," +;
list.add (map);
SimpleAdapter Adapter = new
SimpleAdapter ( this , List, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2,
new String [] { "name" , "info" }, new
int [] {,});
listView.setAdapter (adapter);
void queryTheCursor (View View)
Cursor c = mgr.queryTheCursor
startManagingCursor (c); // entrusted to activity according to their
life cycle to manage the life cycle of Cursor
CursorWrapper cursorWrapper = new
CursorWrapper (c) {
public String getString ( int columnIndex) {
// Will be added before the
age Introduction
if (getColumnName (columnIndex) .equals (
"info" )) {
int age = getInt (getColumnIndex (
"age" ));
return age +
"years old," + Super .getString (columnIndex);
return Super .getString (columnIndex);
// Make sure that the query results
in "_id" column
SimpleCursorAdapter Adapter = new
SimpleCursorAdapter ( this , android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2,
cursorWrapper, new
String [] { "name" ,
"info" }, new int [] {,});
ListView listView = (ListView)
findViewById (;
listView.setAdapter (adapter);
It should be noted that the
application of SimpleCursorAdapter, when we use this adapter, we must first get
a Cursor object, and there are several issues: how to manage the life cycle of
Cursor, if the packaging Cursor, Cursor result set is what needs attention.
If you manually to manage
Cursor words will be very troublesome, there is a certain risk, there will be
mishandled during operation if abnormal, fortunately Activity provides us
startManagingCursor (Cursor cursor) method, it will be based Activity lifecycle
to manage current The Cursor object, Below is a description of the method:
The article mentioned,
startManagingCursor method to manage the life cycle of the current Cursor
object based Activity lifecycle, that when he stopped Activity Cursor will
automatically call the deactivate method, disable the cursor back to the screen
when the Activity it calls Cursor The requery method again query, when Activity
destroyed managed Cursor will automatically shut down the release.
How to package Cursor: we
will use to CursorWrapper objects to package our Cursor object, we need to
achieve data conversion work, this CursorWrapper actually implements the Cursor
interface. We inquire acquired Cursor Cursor fact is quoted, but the system
actually returned to us must be an object instance of a class that implements
the Cursor interface, we use CursorWrapper wrap this instance, and then use the
results SimpleCursorAdapter displayed on the list.
Cursor result set needs to
pay attention to what: One of the most important to note is that in our result
set must contain an "_id" column, otherwise SimpleCursorAdapter will
betray you, why should I? This stems from the norm because SQLite, the main key
to "_id" as the standard. Solution three: first, when construction of
the table according to the specification do; the second, when a query with an
alias, for example: SELECT id AS _id FROM person; third, in CursorWrapper make
a fuss:
CursorWrapper cursorWrapper
= new
CursorWrapper (c) {
int getColumnIndexOrThrow
(String columnName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
(columnName.equals ( "_id" )) {
return Super .getColumnIndex ( "ID"
return Super .getColumnIndexOrThrow
If you try to get the
"_id" column corresponding index from CursorWrapper, we will return
query results in "id" column corresponding to the index.
Finally, we look at the