Android launchMode

Android launchMode

Encircle the wood, was born Haomo; nine of the units, from the tired soil; a thousand miles begins with one step. "I"
Today in the community to see a friend asked, "how to become a top architect within six months," the netizen Road "turn off the lights to sleep, not six months ...", indeed, a dream has come faster. As a programmer, set ambitious goals are admirable, but not just to dream, to practice step by step down. Into a major event, we must start from the little things; everything suddenly starting to micro, quantitative cause a qualitative change.
We talk about today is four launchMode Activity of.
Activity launchMode play in multiple jumps during an important role, it can decide whether to create a new Activity instance, whether to reuse existing Activity instance, whether other public Activity instances where a task. Here's a brief introduction to the concept of task, task stack structure of an object having a task can manage multiple Activity, launch an application, it creates a corresponding task.
Activity There are four launchMode:
We can configure AndroidManifest.xml <activity> the android: launchMode property to more than one of the four can be.
Here we introduced one by one with an example of these four lanchMode:
standard mode is the default start-up mode, not the <activity> Configuration android: launchMode property can, of course, you can also specify a value standard.
We will be an Activity, named FirstActivity, to demonstrate what the standard startup mode. FirstActivity code is as follows:

We FirstActivity TextView interface for displaying the current sequence number Activity instance, Button used to jump to the next FirstActivity interface.
Then we click on the button several times in a row, there will be the following phenomenon:

We noted instances of FirstActivity, but the serial numbers are different, and we need to continuously press the Back button twice to return to the first FristActivity. Principle standard mode as shown below:

As shown, the system will generate a jump every time a new instance of the task FirstActivity, and put on top of the stack structure, and when we press the Back button to see the original FirstActivity instance.
This is the standard start-up mode, with or without pre-existing instance, generates a new instance.

We android specified property on the basis of the above for the <activity>: launchMode = "singleTop", the system will start mode processing in accordance with singleTop jump behavior. We repeat the above several actions, there will be the following phenomenon:

We see the results vary with the standard three sequence numbers are the same, are used to say the same FirstActivity instance; if you press the back button, the program quits immediately, indicating the current stack structure is only one instance of Activity ʱ?? Principle singleTop mode as shown below:

As shown above, when the system will first look for a jump in the stack structure to see if there is an instance of positive FirstActivity top of the stack, if there is no longer generate new, but directly. Maybe my friends have doubts, I only see the stack is only one Activity, if it is more Activity how to do, how, if not in the stack? We followed through an example to confirm what everyone's questions.
We then create a new Activity named SecondActivity, as follows:

Then the code before FirstActivity Jump to:

Yes, FirstActivity will jump to SecondActivity, SecondActivity will jump to FirstActivity. Demo results are as follows:

We see two FirstActivity serial number is different, proved to jump from SecondActivity FirstActivity generate a new FirstActivity instance. Schematic is as follows:

We see that when the jump from SecondActivity to FirstActivity, the system finds there FirstActivity instance, but not at the top of the stack, then re-generate an instance.
This is singleTop start mode, if there Activity instances corresponding right in the top of the stack, then re-use, no longer generate new instance.

In the above basis, we modify FirstActivity attributes android: launchMode = "singleTask". The results demonstrate the following:

We note that in the above process, FirstActivity serial number is unchanged, SecondActivity serial number is not the only, explanation jump from SecondActivity to FirstActivity, does not generate a new instance, but to jump from FirstActivity SecondActivity When generating a new instance. Schematic singleTask mode as shown below:

In the bottom half of the figure is to jump to the results of the stack structure SecondActivity FirstActivity after changes, we note that, SecondActivity disappeared, yes, the jump in this process, the system found FirstActivity instance exists, so longer generates new examples, but the Activity instance FirstActivity all over the stack, the stack becomes FirstActivity object to display to the foreground. Maybe my friends have questions, if you will SecondActivity also set to singleTask mode, SecondActivity instance is not uniquely it? In our example this is not possible, because every time you jump from SecondActivity to FirstActivity, SecondActivity instance when forced out of the stack, jump to the next and so on FirstActivity SecondActivity, can not find the presence of SecondActivity instance, then you must generate the new instance. But if we have ThirdActivity, let SecondActivity and ThirdActivity another jump, then SecondActivity instance can guarantee unique.
This is singleTask mode, if there are corresponding Activity instance, makes this Activity Other Activity Examples Example above all out of the stack, so this Activity instance a stack object display to the foreground.

This startup mode is rather special, because it would enable a new stack structure, Acitvity placed in the new stack structure, and ensure no other instance enters Activity.
We modified FirstActivity of launchMode = "standard", SecondActivity of launchMode = "singleInstance", as it relates to multiple stack structure, we need to show id current stack structure in each Activity, so we add the following code for each Activity:

Then we'll show you the process:

Activity instances we found that the two were placed in a different stack structure, on singleInstance principle is as follows:

We see the jump from FirstActivity to SecondActivity, re-enable a new stack frame, to place SecondActivity instance, and then press the Back key, to return to the original stack structure; the figure jumped again in the bottom half of SecondActivity Go FirstActivity, this time the system will generate an original stack structure FirstActivity instance, and then rolled back twice, attention, and did not quit, but returned to the SecondActivity, why? Because the jump from SecondActivity to FirstActivity time, our starting point into a stack structure where SecondActivity instance, this way, we need to "return" to the stack structure.
If we modify the launchMode FirstActivity value singleTop, singleTask, singleInstance any one, the process will be as shown:

singleInstance startup mode is probably the most complex a model, in order to help you understand, I give an example, if we have a share applications, which is the entrance ShareActivity Activity, Activity also calls for other applications, we put the Activity of Start mode is set to singleInstance, then call in other applications. We edit ShareActivity configurations:

So then we start the Activity in other applications:

When we open ShareActivity then press the Back button to return to the original interface when, ShareActivity exist as a separate entity, if the time we open share applications, without having to create a new instance of ShareActivity to see the results, because the system will automatically find, It exists directly. You can print in ShareActivity about it taskId, to see the effect. On this process, the principle is as follows:

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